2021 | A bayesian optimization approach for multi-function estimation for environmental monitoring using an autonomous surface vehicle: Ypacarai lake case study | ELECTRONICS |
2021 | A bayesian optimization approach for water resources monitoring through an autonomous surface vehicle: the Ypacarai lake case study | IEEE ACCESS |
2021 | A dimensional comparison between evolutionary algorithm and deep reinforcement learning methodologies for autonomous surface vehicles with water quality sensors | SENSORS |
2021 | A multiagent deep reinforcement learning approach for path planning in autonomous surface vehicles: the Ypacaraí Lake patrolling case | IEEE ACCESS |
2021 | A multimodal approach to improve performance evaluation of call center agent | SENSORS |
2021 | A very high resolution 30-sided space vector generation from a single DC-link for induction motor drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Adaptive control for three-phase power converters with disturbance rejection performance | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS |
2021 | Adaptive cost function FCSMPC for 6-phase IMs | ENERGIES |
2021 | Adaptive second-order sliding mode control for grid-connected NPC converters with enhanced disturbance rejection | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Advanced control methods for power converters in DG systems and microgrids | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | AISCS: autonomous, intelligent sign control system using wireless communication and LED signs for rural and suburban roads | IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE |
2021 | An enhanced gain-bandwidth class-AB miller Op-Amp with 23,800 MHz.pF/mW FOM, 11-16 current efficiency and wide range of resistive and capacitive loads driving capability | IEEE ACCESS |
2021 | Applications and modulation methods for modular converters enabling unequal cell power sharing: carrier variable-angle phase-displacement modulation methods | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2021 | Applications of utility-scale energy storage systems | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2021 | Binary Search Based Flexible Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Challenges and future directions in pandemic control | IEEE Control Systems Letters |
2021 | Coils and power supplies design for the SMART tokamak | FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN |
2021 | Common-mode voltage harmonic reduction in variable speed drives applying a variable-angle carrier phase-displacement PWM method | ENERGIES |
2021 | Common-mode voltage mitigation of dual three-phase voltage source inverters in a motor drive application | IEEE ACCESS |
2021 | Common-Mode Voltage Mitigation Technique in Motor Drive Applications by Applying a Sampling-Time Adaptive Multi-Carrier PWM Method | IEEE ACCESS |
2021 | Convolutional neural encoding of online reviews for the identification of travel group type topics on TripAdvisor | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT |
2021 | DC solid state transformer based on three-level power module for interconnecting MV and LV DC distribution systems | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Electric vehicle charging infrastructure — from grid to battery | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2021 | Energy-efficient amplifiers based on quasi-floating gate techniques | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL |
2021 | Enhanced switching frequency control in FCS-MPC for power converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Feed-forward modulation technique for more accurate operation of modular multilevel converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | High-temperature monitoring in central receiver concentrating solar power plants with femtosecond-laser inscribed FBG | SENSORS |
2021 | How can trustworthy influencers be identified in electronic word-of-mouth communities? | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
2021 | Hybrid SHM-PWM for common mode voltage reduction in three-phase three-level NPC inverter | IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS |
2021 | Improving partial discharges location under dispersion and multi-path propagation | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS |
2021 | Improving performance of compact EMI filters by using metallic and ferrite sheets | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Ionizing radiation damage in 65 nm CMOS technology: influence of geometry, bias and temperature at ultra-high doses | MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY |
2021 | Ionizing radiation hardness tests of GaN HEMTs for harsh environments | MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY |
2021 | K-best sphere decoding algorithm for long prediction horizon FCS-MPC | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Lab-on-PCB and flow driving: a critical review | MICROMACHINES |
2021 | Low cost SU-8 lift-off process to fabricate a gold/glass microelectrodes array for culturing applications | MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS |
2021 | Microgrids power quality enhancement using model predictive control | ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Model of a device‐level combined wireless network based on NB-IoT and IEEE 802.15.4 standards for low‐power applications in a diverse IoT framework | SENSORS |
2021 | Model predictive control of modular multilevel converters using quadratic programming | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Multiple-Signal Single-Loop Filter (MSSF) sigma-delta modulators | AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS |
2021 | Non-uniform constellations for polarization division multiplexed CO-OFDM systems | RADIOENGINEERING |
2021 | Observer-based sliding mode control for grid-connected power converters under unbalanced grid conditions | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Prediction model with harmonic load current components for FCS-MPC of an uninterruptible power supply | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Prenatal treatment with rapamycin restores enhanced hippocampal mGluR-LTD and mushroom spine size in a Down’s syndrome mouse model | Molecular Brain |
2021 | Reducing conducted emissions at the output of full-bridge DCDC converters with high voltage steps | ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Semi-automatic lab-on-pcb system for agarose gel preparation and electrophoresis for biomedical applications | MICROMACHINES |
2021 | Sizing and management of energy storage systems in large-scale power plants using price control and artificial intelligence | ENERGIES |
2021 | Sliding Mode Control of Grid-Connected NPC Converters Via High-Gain Observer | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Smart railway operation aid system for facilities with low-safety requirements | IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE |
2021 | Super-Gain-Boosted AB-AB Fully Differential Miller Op-Amp with 156dB Open-Loop Gain and 174MV/V MHZ pF/μW Figure of Merit in 130nm CMOS Technology | IEEE ACCESS |
2021 | Suppression of lower order harmonics for the full modulation range for a two-level inverter-fed IM drive with a switched-capacitive filter technique forming a 42-sided voltage space vector structure | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Three-dimensional optimization of penstock layouts for micro-hydropower plants using genetic algorithms | APPLIED ENERGY |
2021 | Time efficient unmanned aircraft systems deployment in disaster scenarios using clustering methods and a set cover approach | ELECTRONICS |
2021 | Time-interleaving design of error-feedback sigma-delta modulators with infinite impulse response noise transfer function | IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS |
2021 | Toward smart systems: their sensing and control in industrial electronics and applications | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2021 | Variable rounding level control method for modular multilevel converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2020 | 360 nW Gate-Driven Ultra-Low Voltage CMOS Linear Transconductor with 1 MHz Bandwidth and Wide Input Range | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS |
2020 | A 5-Level Inverter Scheme Using Single DC Link with Reduced Number of Floating Capacitors and Switches for Open-End im Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2020 | A compact size wideband rf-vga based on second generation controlled current conveyors | ELECTRONICS |
2020 | A comparison of local path planning techniques of autonomous surface vehicles for monitoring applications: The Ypacarai lake case-study | SENSORS |
2020 | A deep reinforcement learning approach for the patrolling problem of water resources through autonomous surface vehicles: the Ypacarai lake case | IEEE ACCESS |
2020 | A high-gain observer-based adaptive super-twisting algorithm for DC-link voltage control of NPC converters | ENERGIES |
2020 | A survey on bidirectional DC/DC power converter topologies for the future hybrid and all electric aircrafts | ENERGIES |
2020 | A virtual device for simulation-based fault injection | ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Advanced control strategies for DC-DC buck converters with parametric uncertainties via experimental evaluation | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS |
2020 | Agent productivity modeling in a call center domain using attentive convolutional neural networks | SENSORS |
2020 | An Efficient Hybrid Fuzzy-Clustering Driven 3D-Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Imagery for Enhanced Brain Tumor Diagnosis | ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Assessing variable sampling time controllers for five-phase induction motor drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Assessment of Virtual-Voltage-Based Model Predictive Controllers in Six-Phase Drives Under Open-Phase Faults | IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Closed-Loop Analytic Filtering Scheme of Capacitor Voltage Ripple in Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Compressive-Sensing-Based Reflectometer for Sparse-Fault Detection in Elevator Belts | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT |
2020 | Control System Design of a Three-Phase Active Front End Using a Sliding-Mode Observer | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS |
2020 | Cost function optimization for predictive control of a five-phase IM drive | OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS |
2020 | DC-Link Voltage-Balancing Strategy Based on Optimal Switching Sequence Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase H-NPC Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Development of a tabletop setup for the transient current technique using two photon absorption in silicon particle detectors | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE |
2020 | Development of GaN Technology-Based DC/DC Converter for Hybrid UAV | IEEE ACCESS |
2020 | Discontinuous-PWM Method for Multilevel N-cell Cascaded H-bridge Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Effects of dispersion and multi-path propagation in partial discharges location | IEEE ACCESS |
2020 | High technology readiness level techniques for brushless direct current motors failures detection: A systematic review | ENERGIES |
2020 | Hybrid energy storage systems: concept, advantages and applications | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2020 | Integral sliding-mode control-based direct power control for three-level NPC converters | ENERGIES |
2020 | Investigation of the Pu 240 (n,f) reaction at the n_TOF/EAR2 facility in the 9 meV-6 MeV range | PHYSICAL REVIEW C |
2020 | Losses allocation due to penetration of DG and self-consumption operation in distribution systems. Case: PV solar energy | Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal |
2020 | Low-power ultrasonic front end for cargo container monitoring | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT |
2020 | Low-Voltage 0.81mW, 1-32 CMOS VGA with 5% Bandwidth Variations and-38dB DC Rejection | IEEE ACCESS |
2020 | Multiphase current imbalance localisation method applied to natural fault-tolerant strategies | IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS |
2020 | Network of multi-hop wireless sensors for low cost and extended area home automation systems | REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE AUTOMATICA E INFORMATICA INDUSTRIAL |
2020 | Observer-based sliding-mode control of a DC/DC buck converter for railway systems | IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION |
2020 | Open loop sigma-delta modulators for digital-to-analog converters with high speed improving using time interleaving | AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS |
2020 | Optimized micro-hydro power plants layout design using messy genetic algorithms | EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS |
2020 | Overcoming the Effect of Test Fixtures on the Measurement of Parasitics of Capacitors and Inductors | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Power Devices Aging Equalization of Interleaved DC–DC Boost Converters via Power Routing | IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics |
2020 | Power efficient simple technique to convert a reset-and-hold into a true-sample-and-hold using an auxiliary output stage | IEEE ACCESS |
2020 | Power routing: a new paradigm for maintenance scheduling | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2020 | Prediction of Satellite Shadowing in Smart Cities with Application to IoT | SENSORS |
2020 | Predictive current control in electrical drives: an illustrated review with case examples using a five-phase induction motor drive with distributed windings | IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS |
2020 | Real-time selective harmonic mitigation technique for power converters based on the exchange market algorithm | ENERGIES |
2020 | Sampling-time harmonic control for cascaded h-bridge converters with thermal control | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Simple setup for measuring the response to differential mode noise of common mode chokes | ELECTRONICS |
2020 | SW-VHDL co-verification environment using open source tools | ELECTRONICS |
2020 | Utility-scale energy storage systems: converters and control | IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE |
2020 | Variable-Angle PS-PWM Technique for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters with Large Number of Power Cells | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2019 | +/- 0.25-V Class-AB CMOS Capacitance Multiplier and Precision Rectifiers | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS |
2019 | A distributed PSO-based exploration algorithm for a UAV network assisting a disaster scenario | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE |
2019 | A machine learning approach for the identification of the deceptive reviews in the hospitality sector using unique attributes and sentiment orientation | TOURISM MANAGEMENT |
2019 | A MPC strategy for the optimal management of microgrids based on evolutionary optimization | ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Advanced control methods for power converters in distributed generation systems and microgrids | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2019 | An evolutionary approach to constrained path planning of an autonomous surface vehicle for maximizing the covered area of Ypacarai Lake | SOFT COMPUTING |
2019 | An evolutionary computational approach for designing micro hydro power plants | ENERGIES |
2019 | An evolutionary computational approach for the problem of unit commitment and economic dispatch in microgrids under several operation modes | ENERGIES |
2019 | Analysis, Comparison, and Experimental Validation of a Class AB Voltage Follower With Enhanced Bandwidth and Slew Rate | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS |
2019 | Assessment of a universal reconfiguration-less control approach in open-phase fault operation for multiphase drives | ENERGIES |
2019 | Caracterización del fenómeno de «cola larga» en los portales de boca a boca electrónico | Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación |
2019 | Class AB amplifier with enhanced slew rate and GBW | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS |
2019 | Comparison of Eulerian and Hamiltonian circuits for evolutionary-based path planning of an autonomous surface vehicle for monitoring Ypacarai Lake | JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING |
2019 | Constraint satisfaction in current control of a five-phase drive with locally tuned predictive controllers | ENERGIES |
2019 | Does PDMS really interact with [18F]fluoride? Applications in microfluidic reactors for 18F-radiopharmaceuticals | MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS |
2019 | Efficient model predictive control with natural fault-tolerance in asymmetrical six-phase induction machines | ENERGIES |
2019 | Electrostimulation in an autonomous culture lab-on-chip provides neuroprotection of a retinal explant from a retinitis pigmentosa mouse-model | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL |
2019 | Event-triggering dissipative control of switched stochastic systems via sliding mode | AUTOMATICA |
2019 | Extracellular Electrophysiology in the Prostate Cancer Cell Model PC-3 | SENSORS |
2019 | Failure Detection by Signal Similarity Measurement of Brushless DC Motors | ENERGIES |
2019 | Fault Tolerance in Direct Torque Control with Virtual Voltage Vectors | REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE AUTOMATICA E INFORMATICA INDUSTRIAL |
2019 | Fine-Grain Circuit Hardening Through VHDL Datatype Substitution | ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Fully differential implementation of a delta-sigma modulator based on the pseudo-pseudo differential technique | AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS |
2019 | Generalized Harmonic Control for CHB Converters with Unbalanced Cells Operation | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2019 | High-Performance Second Order Sliding Mode Control for NPC Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS |
2019 | Highly integrable and normally open microvalve for industrial thermoplastic-based lab on PCB | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL |
2019 | Identification of the unique attributes and topics within Smart Things Open Innovation Communities | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
2019 | Improved harmonic performance of cascaded H-bridge converters with thermal control | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Intelligent Online Learning Strategy for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle in Lake Environments Using Evolutionary Computation | IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE |
2019 | Interest and Applicability of Meta-Heuristic Algorithms in the Electrical Parameter Identification of Multiphase Machines | ENERGIES |
2019 | Iterl: A wireless adaptive system for efficient road lighting | SENSORS |
2019 | Model predictive optimal control considering current and voltage limitations: Real-time validation using OPAL-RT technologies and five-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines | MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION |
2019 | Model-Based Control for Power Converters with Variable Sampling Time: A Case Example using Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Model-Based Predictive Current Controllers in Multiphase Drives Dealing with Natural Reduction of Harmonic Distortion | ENERGIES |
2019 | Monitoring of microfluidics systems for pet radiopharmaceutical synthesis using integrated silicon photomultipliers | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL |
2019 | Multilevel 24-Sided Polygonal Voltage-Space-Vector Structure Generation for an IM Drive Using a Single DC Source | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Multilevel converters – control and operation in industrial systems | POWER ELECTRONICS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID: TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS |
2019 | Neural-Blockchain-Based Ultrareliable Caching for Edge-Enabled UAV Networks | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS |
2019 | Observer-Based Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of NPC Converters: An RBF Neural Network Approach | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Optimal Scheduling of Energy Storage Using A New Priority-Based Smart Grid Control Method | ENERGIES |
2019 | Optimización de Funciones de Coste para Control Predictivo de Máquinas de Inducción Multifásicas | REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE AUTOMATICA E INFORMATICA INDUSTRIAL |
2019 | Powertrain EV synchronous reluctance motor design with redundant topology with novel control | IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS |
2019 | Predictive controller considering electrical constraints: A case example for five-phase induction machines | IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS |
2019 | Pseudo-Three-Stage Miller Op-Amp With Enhanced Small-Signal and Large-Signal Performance | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS |
2019 | Selective Harmonic Mitigation Based Self-Elimination of Triplen Harmonics for Single-Phase Five-Level Inverters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2019 | Sensor-Assisted Weighted Average Ensemble Model for Detecting Major Depressive Disorder | SENSORS |
2019 | Single-use impulsion system for displacement of liquids on thermoplastic-based lab on chip | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL |
2019 | Smart Shielding Techniques for Common Mode Chokes in EMI Filters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY |
2019 | Spanish Scientific Network for LifeWatch-ERIC, e-Science Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research | Biodiversity Information Science and Standards |
2019 | Synchronous reluctance six-phase motor proved based EV powertrain as charger/discharger with redundant topology and ORS control | IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS |
2019 | The superhit effect and long tail phenomenon in the context of electronic word of mouth | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS |
2018 | +/- 0.18-V supply voltage gate-driven PGA with 0.7-Hz to 2-kHz constant bandwidth and 0.15-W power dissipation | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS |
2018 | A Highly Efficient Composite Class-AB-AB Miller Op-Amp With High Gain and Stable From 15 pF Up To Very Large Capacitive Loads | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS |
2018 | A Simple, Fast, and Robust Open-Phase Fault Detection Technique for Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2018 | A Very High Resolution Stacked Multilevel Inverter Topology for Adjustable Speed Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2018 | An Amplified Offset Compensation Scheme and Its Application in a Track and Hold Circuit | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS |
2018 | An Experimental Assessment of Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant Virtual-Vector-Based Direct Torque Control in Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2018 | An Op-Amp Approach for Bandpass VGAs With Constant Bandwidth | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS |
2018 | Application of Nature Inspired Algorithms for Wireless Multi-hop Ad Hoc Network Optimization Problems in Disaster Response Scenarios | NATURE-INSPIRED NETWORKING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS |
2018 | Application of text mining techniques to the analysis of discourse in eWOM communications from a gender perspective | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
2018 | Bandwidth-Enhanced High Current Efficiency Class-AB Buffer with Very Low Output Resistance | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS |
2018 | Bonding process using integrated electrothermal actuators for microfluidic circuit fabrication | JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING |
2018 | Characterization of Common Mode Chokes at High Frequencies With Simple Measurements | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Characterization of Three-Phase Common-Mode Chokes at High Frequencies | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Compact Embedded Wireless Sensor-Based Monitoring of Concrete Curing | SENSORS |
2018 | Context-adaptive forwarding in mobile opportunistic networks | ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS |
2018 | Design of a Radiation Hardened Power-ON-Reset | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE |
2018 | Development of an Emergency Radio Beacon for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | IEEE ACCESS |
2018 | Direct Torque Control based on Virtual Voltage Vector for a Six-phase Induction Machine | REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE AUTOMATICA E INFORMATICA INDUSTRIAL |
2018 | Dissimilarity Metric Based on Local Neighboring Information and Genetic Programming for Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) | SENSORS |
2018 | Enhanced Single-Stage Folded Cascode OTA Suitable for Large Capacitive Loads | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS |
2018 | Evolutionary deployment and local search-based movements of 0th, responders in disaster scenarios | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE |
2018 | Fabrication method of lab-on-PCB devices using a microheater with a thermo-mechanical barrier | MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING |
2018 | Generation of High-Resolution 12-Sided Voltage Space Vector Structure Using Low-Voltage Stacked and Cascaded Basic Inverter Cells | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Gold microelectrodes array embedded in PDMS for electrical stimulation and signal detection | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL |
2018 | Highly Integrable Microfluidic Impulsion System for Precise Displacement of Liquids on Lab on PCBs | JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS |
2018 | HMADSO: a novel hill Myna and desert Sparrow optimization algorithm for cooperative rendezvous and task allocation in FANETs | SOFT COMPUTING |
2018 | Identification of the Unique Attributes of Tourist Destinations from Online Reviews | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
2018 | Identifying the features of reputable users in eWOM communities by using Particle Swarm Optimization | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
2018 | Intelligent Containers Based on a Low-Power Sensor Network and a Non-Invasive Acquisition System for Management and Tracking of Goods | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS |
2018 | Lab-protocol-on-PCB: Prototype of a laboratory protocol on printed circuit board using MEMS technologies | MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING |
2018 | Model Predictive Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Virtual Voltage Vectors | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Modular Discrete and CMOS Integrated Implementations of High-Speed Analog Rank-Order Filters | CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING |
2018 | Multi-subpopulation evolutionary algorithms for coverage deployment of UAV-networks | AD HOC NETWORKS |
2018 | Multistep Model Predictive Control for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters: Formulation and Analysis | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Open-Switch Fault Detection in Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Model Predictive Control | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Partial discharge detection using PLC receivers in MV cables: A theoretical framework | ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH |
2018 | Passive RFID-Based Inventory of Traffic Signs on Roads and Urban Environments | SENSORS |
2018 | Proposal for a EU quality label for aerospace education | INCAS Bulletin |
2018 | Reto de innovación abierta como estrategia para desarrollar nuevas soluciones de salud móvil | MEDICINA CLINICA |
2018 | Sliding Mode Control of a Three-Phase AC/DC Voltage Source Converter Under Unknown Load Conditions: Industry Applications | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS |
2018 | Subsampling OFDM-Based Ultrasonic Data Communication Through Metallic Channels for Monitoring of Cargo Containers | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS |
2018 | Super class AB RFC OTA using non-linear current mirrors | ELECTRONICS LETTERS |
2018 | Super class AB RFC OTA with adaptive local common-mode feedback | ELECTRONICS LETTERS |
2018 | Super Class-AB Recycling Folded Cascode OTA | IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS |
2018 | Switching Frequency Regulation for FCS-MPC Based on a Period Control Approach | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2018 | Trade-offs analysis in predictive current control of multi-phase induction machines | CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE |
2018 | Tuning of predictive controllers for five-phase drives | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology |
2017 | A Simple Braking Method for Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Unidirectional Power Flow in the Base-Speed Region | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2017 | A Simple Miller Compensation With Essential Bandwidth Improvement | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS |
2017 | An open-phase fault detection method for six-phase induction motor drives | Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal |
2017 | Analysis and design of highly linear triode-mode based OTA and its application to a wide tunable Gm-C filter | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS |
2017 | Analysis of the power quality in six-phase induction motor drives with arbitrary winding spatial shifting | Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal |
2017 | Communication Protocols for Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks | MOBILE AD HOC NETWORK PROTOCOLS BASED ON DISSIMILARITY METRICS |
2017 | Detectors and Concepts for sub-100 ps timing with gaseous detectors | JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION |
2017 | Disposable PDMS Chip With Integrated [F-18]Fluoride Pre-Concentration Cartridge for Radiopharmaceuticals | JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS |
2017 | Dissimilarity-Based Protocols in the DES-Testbed | MOBILE AD HOC NETWORK PROTOCOLS BASED ON DISSIMILARITY METRICS |
2017 | Extended State Observer-Based Sliding-Mode Control for Three-Phase Power Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2017 | Fabrication process for inexpensive, biocompatible and transparent PCBs. Application to a flow meter | MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING |
2017 | Fault-Tolerant Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Variable Current Injection | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2017 | FVF-Based Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Fast Charging/Discharging Paths for Fast Line and Load Regulation | ETRI JOURNAL |
2017 | High current efficiency class-AB OTA with high open loop gain and enhanced bandwidth | IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS |
2017 | High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of a depleted CMOS sensor using an edge Transient Current Technique based on the Two Photon Absorption process (TPA-eTCT) | NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT |
2017 | Impact of Postfault Flux Adaptation on Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Parallel Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2017 | Influence of Covariance-Based ALS Methods in the Performance of Predictive Controllers With Rotor Current Estimation | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2017 | Low Activity Mechanism for Mobile Sensor/Actuator Networks Based on IEEE 802.15.4 | WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS |
2017 | Low-Power Analog Channel Selection Filtering Techniques | CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING |
2017 | Method for controlling voltage and frequency of the local offshore grid responsible for connecting large offshore commercial wind turbines with the rectifier diode-based HVDC-link applied to an external controller | IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS |
2017 | Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocols Based on Dissimilarity Metrics | MOBILE AD HOC NETWORK PROTOCOLS BASED ON DISSIMILARITY METRICS |
2017 | Model Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives: Advances and Trends | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2017 | Multiphase Energy Conversion Systems Connected to Microgrids With Unequal Power-Sharing Capability | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION |
2017 | Novel Symmetric Six-Phase Induction Motor Drive Using Stacked Multilevel Inverters With a Single DC Link and Neutral Point Voltage Balancing | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2017 | On the determination of the substrate effective doping concentration of irradiated HV-CMOS sensors using an edge-TCT technique based on the Two-Photon-Absorption process | JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION |
2017 | Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant Direct Torque Control Technique for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2017 | Probabilistic Broadcasting Based on Dissimilarity Metrics | MOBILE AD HOC NETWORK PROTOCOLS BASED ON DISSIMILARITY METRICS |
2017 | Sensitivity of predictive controllers to parameter variation in five-phase induction motor drives | CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE |
2017 | Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Energy Systems: Current Technology and Future Trends | PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE |
2017 | Super class AB OTA without open-loop gain degradation based on dynamic cascode biasing | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS |
2017 | Variable-Angle Phase-Shifted PWM for Multilevel Three-Cell Cascaded H-Bridge Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | 0.7-V Three-Stage Class-AB CMOS Operational Transconductance Amplifier | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS |
2016 | A Low-Power Baseband Filter Based on a 1.2-V 65-nm CMOS Bulk-Driven Linear Tunable Transconductor | JOURNAL OF LOW POWER ELECTRONICS |
2016 | A methodology for structured ontology construction applied to intelligent transportation systems | COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES |
2016 | A multi-objective optimization of data dissemination in delay tolerant networks | EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS |
2016 | A New Fast Peak Current Controller for Transient Voltage Faults for Power Converters | ENERGIES |
2016 | A Predictive Capacitor Voltage Control of a Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With a Single DC-Link and Reduced Common-Mode Voltage Operation | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | An evaluation methodology for reliable simulation based studies of routing protocols in VANETs | SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY |
2016 | An Intelligent Strategy for Tactical Movements of UAVs in Disaster Scenarios | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
2016 | Analysis and synthesis of symmetrical output voltage of three-level converters with space-vector PWM | Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika |
2016 | Analysis and Synthesis of Symmetrical Output Voltage of Three-Level Inverters with Space-vector PWM | Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika |
2016 | Comparative Study of Predictive and Resonant Controllers in Fault-Tolerant Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Design optimization of pixel sensors using device simulations for the phase-II CMS tracker upgrade | NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT |
2016 | Diversity Technique for OFDM Systems: Enhanced Time-Frequency Multiplexing (eTFM) | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING |
2016 | Earth sensor based on thermopile detectors for satellite attitude determination | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL |
2016 | Examining the power-law distribution among eWOM communities: a characterisation approach of the Long Tail | TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT |
2016 | Extended Linear Modulation Operation of a Common-Mode-Voltage-Eliminated Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With a Single DC Supply | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Fabrication Process for PCBMEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensors Using the Cu Layer to Define the Gap | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL |
2016 | Fault-Tolerant Operation of Six-Phase Energy Conversion Systems With Parallel Machine-Side Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Five-Phase Induction Motor Rotor Current Observer for Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of Stator Current | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Harmonic analysis of direct digital control of voltage inverters | MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION |
2016 | Harvesting Big Data in social science: A methodological approach for collecting online user-generated content | COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES |
2016 | Hybrid SHM-SHE Pulse-Amplitude Modulation for High-Power Four-Leg Inverter | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase NPC Converters Based on Optimal Switching Sequences | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Modeling dispersion of partial discharges due to propagation velocity variation in power cables | ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH |
2016 | Multiphase rotor current observers for current predictive control: A five-phase case study | CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE |
2016 | On-siteDriverlD: A secure authentication scheme based on Spanish eID cards for vehicular ad hoc networks | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE |
2016 | Online Estimation of Rotor Variables in Predictive Current Controllers: A Case Study Using Five-Phase Induction Machines | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Optimal Fault-Tolerant Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Parallel Converters | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Post-visit and pre-visit tourist destination image through eWOM sentiment analysis and perceived helpfulness | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT |
2016 | Power and area efficient continuous time Sigma Delta modulator based on local feedback | MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL |
2016 | Power Production Losses Study by Frequency Regulation in Weak-Grid-Connected Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Plants | ENERGIES |
2016 | Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part III | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Real experimentation of probabilistic broadcasting algorithms based on dissimilarity metrics for multi-hop ad hoc networks | AD HOC NETWORKS |
2016 | Recent Advances in the Design, Modeling, and Control of Multiphase Machines-Part I | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Recent Advances in the Design, Modeling, and Control of Multiphase Machines-Part II | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Recent progress of RD53 Collaboration towards next generation Pixel Read-Out Chip for HL-LHC | JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION |
2016 | Reduced common-mode voltage operation of a new seven-level hybrid multilevel inverter topology with a single DC voltage source | IET POWER ELECTRONICS |
2016 | Technology developments and first measurements on inverse Low Gain Avalanche Detector (iLGAD) for high energy physics applications | JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION |
2016 | The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS |